Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I want to be a radio DJ...

I want to be a radio DJ!!

I have been thinking about my future and things that I want to do in life...and I realised that I always wanted to be a radio DJ...

I know I know...I said I wanted to be a teacher before...but I guess that is also something I want to do, but like what my mom said...that could be something I do in the later part of my life...

I think I really want to explore and see if I'm able to go into this profession...=)


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Desire...what's yours?

This ESS one of my best experience...

I think somehow i could really sensed that God is moving and somehow i have that conviction that i have victory over the things that have been holding me down for quite some time...

I really want to move out from this stagnant level and move to the next level...and nth can stop me! not even you devil!!

Anyway, really want to thank blur polar for keeping me company all these times online when i'm really lonely and kinda lost...really appreciate this friendship alot!! hope to sustain till the end!

I have to stop thinking about that person who cut connection from me man!! argh!!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

unexpectedly stranded..

Last night was one of the least expected times of my life....was supposed to only go out for supper beneath my block, then my friend Richard decided to drive to changi for supper. After driving to changi and had supper, we went for a ride to changi beach there to catch up...

When we were about to go home around 3am, the car's starter became faulty and wasn't able to start the car. Was stranded there until 6am when Richard finally decided to call the towing company...reached home around 730am after having breakfast with him near safra...

But i must say, this is really fun, because i never had encountered such incident and moreover, i get to enjoy sitting peacefully by the sea and enjoying the night wind. Thank goodness i wasn't wearing shorts...so it isnt that cold...=D


Friday, June 18, 2010

Music Practice 170610

Yesterday's music practice was great, i managed not to screw up too badly...

hope that during service on saturday everything will go on smoothly...

I went to visit lem at his hse yesterday before going down for music pract...realised that we both had went through a similar patch....really thank God that we still remain in the Vine..=)

I just went to search for a nice header picture, and there it is..hope it suits the whole theme.

I want to write songs, there is always some ideas and concept in my mind, but just hard to verbalised and melodised it...hope to get the inspiration down on paper soon!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

new habits

recently a lot of things are happening, and im starting new habits...

Some are good, some are still improving i guess...examples of good ones are like starting to write a diary about my life and the journey i have, maybe also the habit of waking up....some that are still improving is my procrastination...

Oh well (this is another habit i developed, saying 'oh well')...i have been going through a few new experiences and learnt a lot of interesting stuffs...like how to enjoy the small little things around me, including some innocent kids making an indian joke in front of a family of indians (LOL)

I really hope to continue updating...for some reason im starting to like journaling and recording things down...=)


Friday, April 23, 2010

Somethings I need to get off my mind....

as it says in the title...

I have been trying to get a few things off my mind for these past few weeks...and as i was going through some blogs and some facebook profiles...i have to admit that I'm really feeling kinda left out...

I think it might be because that even though I have been in different life stages, but things seems to be turning out the same...I'm really starting to believe that it is because i'm quite incapable of maintaining friendship outside of my church life....

Sometimes it is really quite depressing to know that no matter how much effort was invested to relationships, it might not turn out as expected...

As much as i like what i do in church, with the people who are so close to my heart always there supporting me, there is a part of me that really wants to have frens that i can be reminiscing the school life about....

Anyway, things are not turning out as planned or as desired, but i really want to trust God in paving a route that i will be satisfied. All I have is this little faith that whatever happens, it happens for a reason.

Alright then, since i have got these few trivial things off my mind, it is time for bed!!

Abba Father, take my inadequacies and failures, and that i may be strong in the one who gave my my very life. No longer a defeated boy but a victorious and secured man in Christ. I trust in You, may Your will be done in and through me. Amen..
