Friday, April 23, 2010

Somethings I need to get off my mind....

as it says in the title...

I have been trying to get a few things off my mind for these past few weeks...and as i was going through some blogs and some facebook profiles...i have to admit that I'm really feeling kinda left out...

I think it might be because that even though I have been in different life stages, but things seems to be turning out the same...I'm really starting to believe that it is because i'm quite incapable of maintaining friendship outside of my church life....

Sometimes it is really quite depressing to know that no matter how much effort was invested to relationships, it might not turn out as expected...

As much as i like what i do in church, with the people who are so close to my heart always there supporting me, there is a part of me that really wants to have frens that i can be reminiscing the school life about....

Anyway, things are not turning out as planned or as desired, but i really want to trust God in paving a route that i will be satisfied. All I have is this little faith that whatever happens, it happens for a reason.

Alright then, since i have got these few trivial things off my mind, it is time for bed!!

Abba Father, take my inadequacies and failures, and that i may be strong in the one who gave my my very life. No longer a defeated boy but a victorious and secured man in Christ. I trust in You, may Your will be done in and through me. Amen..
