Saturday, May 14, 2011


Honestly!! This is getting more and more irritating!!

The fact of being posted to the worst office in a good unit is bad enough, then in comes the travelling distance from my house to the camp and doing that for 5 days a week, one and a half year more!!

Financial difficulties is even more worse than the travelling part. Struggling to spend on food, repairs, new stuffs to replace my spoiled stuffs, travelling expenses. And I'm also intending to save up. All this just isn't going good at all!! ENLISTMENT PAY REALLY SUCKS FOR NON-COMBATANT!!! I really hate the feeling of not being able to support myself adequately!

You know what, despite of all these stuffs, I'm still going to give back to God regularly. In fact I just bought a 'chair for soul' chair. I think this is really awesome, knowing that the chair I sponsored will help someone come to know the love of God. I trust that God will help me out these situation because ultimately it is His will be done, not mine.


Monday, May 2, 2011


This word 'negative' has a lot of different expressions and usage, and many of time it is used to depict a certain disapproving or bad state of mind or feelings. More often than not, this word will bring along denial or rejection of certain situation or happening. and not many people take that very well. The phrase 'Why are you so negative...' is one of the many phrases that is used to rhetorically question someone as being sad or upset about a certain condition.

Honestly, this word have been so widely used as such a condition that it starts to make us think that whenever 'negative' is used, something bad has happened, happening currently or is going to in the near or far future.

However, I do have to say this...I'm really glad to hear this word recently and it brought a whole new different meaning to me...Who cares what the general public is using this word! This word has just entered my most favourite word-list!!